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New Seller, My description will not save.........why?


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I have tried about a dozen times to create my first gig, Title was fine, pictures where fine, but the description would not save. This is very frustrating as I have been looking on the forum and on the internet and Youtube as to the “why” and how to do it properly and NOTHING is coming up. All I get is " write your description" but nothing has told me of “how” to do it so it will save. This is almost making me want to leave the site entirely. Can anyone at all help me with this?

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A few thoughts - have you used any symbols or words that aren’t approved by Fiverr? If the borders around the text window you’re typing in change from green to red, this means that the software has detected one of Fiverr’s “no-no” words.

Are you sure the length is under the total character limit?

If neither of the above suggestions help, I’d recommend logging out of Fiverr, clearing the cookies and cache from your browser, and then logging back in.

… And if that STILL doesn’t help, I’d also recommend trying it on a different browser.

Let me know if this helps!

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