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How to respond to request for Cheap Services with promise of future business


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I received a request today for me to edit nearly TEN TIMES my advertised amount for a $5 gig, along with the reassurance that if I did a good job (since my 100% rating clearly left this individual feeling suspicious), there’d be plenty more orders in the future. Sound familiar?

I think Sellers should respond to these requests by offering a quote that’s ten times as high as normal, with the promise that future orders will be regular-priced.

Thoughts?? 😃

P.S. - obviously TOTALLY KIDDING about that potential response - but also thought this could be a great Discussion to hear how other Sellers here have responded to this annoying but common request. I, for one, just politely decline and wish them the best of luck…

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This is a common thing amongst certain categories on this site. I don’t have this issue so much, but, if I did, I would decline their “generous” offer (they sometimes even claim they will “tell all their friends…” and that will grow your business) and state that my prices and what I will do for those prices is clearly written out on my Gig(s). If anyone gets one of these types of offers, even if new, you are better off declining or sticking to your original Gig description of what you will do. Oftentimes, these “offers” if followed through will end up with one having to do revisions or jumping through hoops to make the “client” happy.


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I actually had to do 10 revisions to get the buyer of my back, and as soon as the previous order was completed,the buyer placed another order, which i immediately cancelled by making-up the reason of having too many bulk orders.Anway its looked it, the person who would try to exploit you once, will do so again in the future.The revision i provided were on top of free work worth 2 gigs, but buyer was inconsiderate about my situation and bothered me for almost 10 days which hurt my business.And i am talking about totally free revisions here.Just consider spending 18 hours on a 15$ order.

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These things very rarely come to fruition. It’s tempting to get suckered in though, especially when you’re going through a dry spell. Guess that’s why these people try. They know there’s someone desperate for orders around the next corner.

That would be a great reply, offering to do the work for 10x the normal cost with the promise of future orders being at regular price. Love it. 🙂

I usually just reply once so my response time doesn’t increase, and say no, or ignore them if they’re persistent. Not nearly as funny though.

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Guest fixmyprocess

Reply to @fawhash: Great point about “exploitation” - I think sellers can protect themselves with airtight gig descriptions saying what is included (ex: 3 revisions included, etc…). Sometimes I have stretched my policy with this on a case by case basis with higher-paying or repeat customers but sometimes I have been trapped with never-ending revisions due to my fault. Sellers don’t need to be held hostage out of fear of a bad review. Ask for more $ if you need to in a respectful manner. And if they do leave a bad review because they were trying to freeload…say so in their review.

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Reply to @fixmyprocess: Absolutely right, it was actually due to the possibility of bad review that i kept on giving revisions. For a new seller it can be quite harmful and being a nonnative offering a writing gig, a little problem with my ratings would have meant a decrease in orders.I even tried to refund the buyer, twice actually,even after i had already offered delivered the order and offered two revisions,but buyer kept on refusing my request for mutual cancellation.Those were some really stressful days.I wish fiverr would do something to protect the rights of sellers.

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