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Any advices for me?

Guest roserosiana

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Guest roserosiana

First of all,

Hello everybody, my name’s Rosi.

i want to share my experience in August, 2nd 2014. there’s one customer who came to me and she wants me to illustrate her image. after done, i sent the image digitally in hi-res. but, there’s something happened.

she dislike the result. she said she looks bad with brown lips. she want to her money back and yes i have to refund her money.

after sometimes, i check her web twice. and i found my illustration was on there. but, it looks different because “maybe” she (or i don’t know who did it) recycled the image into full colored picture. and today, April 4th 2015 i check her web again and it still stay right there. without having permission or any royalty.

she wants her money back and she have the image i have drawn. im so sorry but it seems not fair for me.

maybe any advices for me??

thanks before 🙂

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Guest celticmoon

Send her an email notifying her that by taking the image she did not pay for and using it, even though she may have altered it, she is breaking copyright laws. Also tell her you will notify her website provider that she is using stolen copyrighted material, which will be breaking their terms of service, so she will likely lose her account if she continues using the material. (You might want to remind her that you can easily do internet image searches to find your artwork, so she shouldn’t try moving it to another website). If she doesn’t take the image down, follow through by writing to her website provider. Be persistent.

Unless you want to actually retain a lawyer, this is probably your only recourse, but usually reputable internet providers will act responsibly when copyright infringement complaints are lodged.

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