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3 Years on Fiverr and What I've Learned


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I joined Fiverr in January of 2013 as a voice-over actor. I offered 1 gig and it took me 3 weeks to get my first order.


I only had 5 orders through my first 2 months. Reaching level 2 status seemed more like a dream than a reality. Then, I discovered the Fiverr Forums and like many of you reading this, I found great advice from many successful Fiverrers. Now as I am going on 3+ years and over 250 orders on Fiverr I find myself in the midst of a dark period with sales dwindling and competition rising.


For the last two weeks I have worked to reinvent my business. Here is what I've learned:


1) UNDERSTAND what you are capable of and capitalize on your core competencies.

For example, if you draw custom animations on Fiverr, think about how else those core skills can evolved and be offered in additional ways. Can you produce videos? Can you do post production work? Can you edit videos? These are additional gigs you can create that are still related to your core gig.


2) UTILIZE Gig Extras.

Once you become a level one seller, you can start offering Gig Extras. These can be huge money makers if done well. For example, lets got back to the cartoon animator. Instead of offering a 1 minute animation, with unlimited characters, and music as part of your $5 offer, spread it out. Offer a 30 second, black and white, no-sound animation for $5. Charge extra for length, color, sounds, music, extra characters, special customization, and speedy deliveries. Clients are willing to pay for quality, even here on Fiverr.


3) UNLEASH the Collaboration.

This is my big focus on 2015. I am starting to collaborate with others here on Fiverr. For example, if you are a great animator, but are horrible at drawing landscapes (which could be used in your animations) find someone on Fiverr who can draw great landscapes. Offering their service as an extra on your gig could increase sales for both you and your new business partner.



If a customer orders a black and white animation from you and they love the final product, turn around and point out X% of your customers tend to order the color extra and they have found the videos to be extremely successful. In some cases, the client will end up adding the extra post order.

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