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Why is there a red arrow on my gig impressions?

Guest awais99

Recommended Posts

Guest awais99

There is a red arrow going downward on my gig and that gig was in recommended category and now the orders that i have done are shown less than that any one will guide me whats the problem


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Agreed with @heamzadesign.

Are you still in the “recommended” section? If not, the red arrow may indicate the drop in traffic from being rotated out. I’m not sure how Fiverr decides who to feature and when, but the arrows indicate the ebbs and flow of traffic to a gig. SO if you were getting a lot because of being “recommended” and then it slowed when you were moved out, that would explain it.

I would check out other similar gigs to see what types of key words and tags they’re using–there could be an opportunity to optimize your gig that way, so that you show up in more organic results.

Hope that helps!

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