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Successfully delivered my first order with 5 star rating


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It took 18 days to get my first order and I am so happy that i have delivered it successfully within 24 hours.

The buyer appreciated my work and as a result I have got 5 star rating.

I have followed all the Fiverr GIG Promotional Rules and tried my best to promot my gig. At one time I became very disappointed but in the third week my strategies worked and I got an order.

My gig is related to ON-Page SEO Audit which is one of a very competitive category on fiverr and I am glad that my gig is now showing in the search results.

Guest shekevara

i give you 5 orders = $25 on your Fiverr

you give back 3 orders = $15 on my SEO Clreks

is it possible?

mastersatan2013 at gmail com


Reply to @kaytee_seo: yup his trying to get someone to fall for his bait to hack some one

divert people to seo clerk site what a sad f****


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