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Why don't get right price?


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Hi every body

Today I am going to start Discussed about How to get right price for graphics related job. I have followed many types of high quality jobs price requirement is very low. I think we have to change this situation. Please share your thinking to develop freelancer world.

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I took a look at the gig you have up and one thing I would suggest if you feel the starting price is too low is to change what you offer for $5. Since you offer graphic design services on 15 images for only $5 that does seem like a lot to do for the starting price. You do need ratings too, though, so you might have to do some extra to begin getting those. Perhaps you could offer 5 images for $5 and then later you can lower than number again to just 1.

Your gig description is not currently very clear about what you offer for $5 either, and you mention other freelancing sites right in your gig description which might get your gig deleted by Fiverr.


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