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Cancel the order


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Completed: 1500 (ish)

Cancelled: 53

3% cancellation rate I guess. Most of those people re-ordered however. Apparently they made a mistake in the ordering process. Cancellations where I lost a sale is probably about 15-20. So less than 1.5%.

Guest sandra4service

none of my orders was cancelled. i deliver excellent service. buyers check me out today.


Currently 9 orders, zero cancels so 0% but with a very small sample size.

Out of curiosity do cancels affect your gig or is this just a statistic in the sales manager?

Guest lisha5684

Orders: 183

Cancellations: 11

I guess that’s 6%

I’m too nice to these people!


I’ve done over 40 now. Only 1 cancellation.

It was from a guy who was basically asking for a refund before he had even placed the order.

Lesson learned: if a guy uses the word refund in a private message, don’t ask him to place that order.

Guest jeffmoses

This hurts to read but;

2505 Completed

2613 Cancelled - 100% Buyer not reading the gig description 😦


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