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My 3 Years of experience on Fiverr

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Hello everyone,

Today, I want to share my honest experience with Fiverr, a journey that has ended in disappointment. I joined Fiverr in September 2022, just as they released a new update removing the buyer request feature. Despite this, I was fortunate enough to have the option still available to me when I started. In my very first month, I secured my first projects and was optimistic about the future. By early 2023, I decided to dedicate myself full-time to Fiverr. For a while, everything seemed to be going well—I was receiving around 10 orders and managing to deliver them on time, with a few returning clients who appreciated my services.

Then, in February 2024, Fiverr implemented another update that led to many seller accounts being flagged, including mine. Initially, I thought it might be a bug, but as months went by, my account remained flagged. Despite my repeated attempts to resolve the issue by contacting customer support, I was met with vague and unhelpful responses—claims of location inconsistencies, multiple seller accounts, VPN usage, and finally, an accusation that my payment method was shared with another account. To my shock and dismay, Fiverr disabled my account based on this accusation.

I tried to provide evidence—live videos and screenshots of my Payoneer account—but my efforts were in vain. Fiverr's support seemed to rely solely on their AI bot reports, disregarding my explanations and proof. My pleas went unheard, and I eventually stopped reaching out.

The loss has been devastating. Years of hard work building up my account, my returning clients, and positive testimonials—all gone in an instant. To make matters worse, Fiverr has refused to let me create a new profile. It seems that those who first encountered account flagging issues managed to resolve them, while those who came later, like myself, faced permanent account suspension.

This is the end of my journey with Fiverr, and it is with a heavy heart that I share this final chapter.

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On 9/11/2024 at 3:34 PM, greenwordpress said:

3 years, still no order 😪

Haven't you tried to improve your gig?🤔 You should focus on fiverr's rules and regulations more carefully while creating a new one. you can also improve some of  your skills. I'm so sorry to here that really. I mean 3 years is a really long time you know!!😟

Edited by venus_listing
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