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Degree pending approval for four years?



Has anyone else had an education or certificate status pending for a long time on their profile page? My English degree has been approved for years, but my MBA is still pending.  I contacted CS and was informed:

I wanted to let you know that the Skill and Education Section is still pending approval. This is because there haven't been many users adding this particular skill, causing it to remain pending.
The education section will continue to show as pending until multiple users share the same education on their profiles.

I don't understand what others' education has to do with mine. And it's not even a skill...

Am I the only one who has had a problem with education approval? If not, were you able to resolve it? 

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Not regarding education. However, I got recently approval from two of my recent clients (as they were part of large-ish companies) to add them to my profile as part of Fiverr's fancy feature (The things that show up on top of seller profiles). It's been pending for a while, so I contacted CS. The response that I've gotten is that they have stopped reviewing entries made after May.



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I have the same problem: my M.A. has been pending ever since I signed up a couple of years ago. It feels like discrimination because my competitors show their degrees but mine will not display.

I reached out to CS this week and received the following reply, which is different than what you got: "...our technical teams are looking into a significant update that will eventually fix the issue you've encountered. (...) Due to the scale of the update required, it may take some time to implement (...)."

I worked in big tech for over a decade myself and this is usually standard code for "we know but it's not a priority we care about." 

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