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Struggling with Gig Promotions After Level 2 Promotion – Need Advice



Hi everyone,

I've been facing some challenges with my gig promotions recently and could use some advice. In the last two months, I spent over $250 on promoting my gigs but didn't get a single order. I've been using the promoted gig option since last year and was getting orders, but I started facing problems after being promoted to Level 2 and meeting the Top Rated Seller requirements.

Here's a brief overview:

  • I have had 1-3 buyers returning and ordering with me.
  • I'm losing my earnings from repeated buyers and organic orders due to these promotion expenses.
  • I used to get good results from promotions, but now it's not working as expected.

Has anyone else experienced this after being promoted to Level 2 or Top Rated Seller? What strategies did you use to overcome these challenges? Any tips on optimizing gig promotions or improving conversions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all in advance for your guidance!

Best, Murtza Rk

Edited by kashifmurtza
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