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How to Promote My gig and get order ?


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Hello, I am going to share you some tips follow this and I hope you will find your first dream order.

  1. If you are a designer then choose a niche (choose a catagory you do so very well) and everyday make at least 1 design.
  2. Post your design on social media (Facebook, X, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn) With your fiverr gig link.
  3. Outreach (Make friends on Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn) Sent 5 messages on each platform do not try to sell your products with them. Just share what you do and how can you help them don't force them to make a decission.
  4. And Optimize your profile and gigs with relavent key words.
  5. Finally, Work hard. Success will come one day.

That's it from my side. Hope you understood. Thanks.

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.Use relevant keywords, use professional videos and images on your gig thumbnail ।

.Update your profile regularly, you should be active 24/7 hour 

Share  your gig on social media platforms 

If you want to know more, you can find out better by going to Fiver Help and Support 




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