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After completing an order and receiving a 5-star rating, my gig simply disappeared. Why did this happen?


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Last week I fulfilled an order, and my client was very pleased with my work. He gave me a 5-star rating. However, after completing the order, my gig disappeared, and I cannot find it on the first 10 pages of Fiverr. Why did this happen? I always knew that satisfied clients would improve gig status and rank it on the first page, so why did this happen to me? 💔

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Optimize Your Gig: Update your title, description, tags, and keywords.
Promote Your Gig: Share it on social media and other platforms.
Maintain High Performance: Deliver high-quality work and maintain good client communication.
Contact Fiverr Support: If the issue persists, reach out to Fiverr support.

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17 hours ago, designcore69 said:

How you check your gig have disappeared? 

In incognito mode, I searched for my service keywords on Fiverr. Before the order, I was ranking on the 2nd page with my service keyword. However, after completing the order, my gig disappeared and I couldn't find it in the first 10 pages. Additionally, my impressions dropped, and I received no clicks.

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