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Account Flagged

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I am level 2 seller and I have only 1 account since I join fiverr but I have three internet connection one in home one in office and 3rd one is my sim data connection.. My account was Flagged today when my evulation is completed.

I contacted to fiverr customer support and I got reply that your account was Flagged 

"After careful review, your account has been flagged due to activities indicating a connection to violations of our Terms of Service or suspicious location patterns. Consequently, your participation in Fiverr's level system is permanently restricted.
You can still share your Gigs with potential buyers, and they can place orders with you.

Please be advised that this was reviewed multiple times and the decision is final. For more information on our policies and guidance on adherence

I again ask them and they send the following reply 

I understand you believe you should not have been demoted to the Account Flagged status and would like us to reinstate your eligibility for the level system.
Your account was flagged for being connected to another account that was disabled due to a violation of our policies.
I reviewed your account and as much as I understand your frustration, you were not found eligible to be removed from the Account Flagged status. However, you can still share your Gigs with potential buyers, and they can place orders with you.

Please anyone on fiverr that are connected to fiverr team tell them and check their new account evulation system about the bug or glitch. 

As the fiverr assistant giving two different reason. He said that your account was not eligible to remove from fiverr level system. I don't understand that they check my account or its copy paste reply as the other sellers got. 

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