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Suggestions or advice to Reach Level 1 Seller?



Hello everyone,

I wanted to ask for advice. This is my situation. I opened my Fiverr account in January of this year, 2023. I started actively working on attracting clients by March/April, and up to now, my progress has been a total of 7 completed orders amounting to a humble sum of 150 EUR.

I am a computer science engineer offering tech services essentially oriented towards task automation and speeding up certain tasks with programming and data analysis. Right now, I am quite motivated to reach 10 orders, amounting to a total of 400 EUR, which would lead me to become a Level 1 seller.

Here is how my stats look like in terms of impressions and clicks from the past 7 days:


These figures are not amazing, but to me, they are good enough in the sense that, at the very least, I see traffic and interest from potential buyers.

My question to you is: would you give me any advice to reach my goal of becoming a Level 1 Seller? Do you think I am offering my services too cheaply?

I have been reading a lot of threads regarding increasing gig prices here in the forum. What I have read suggests that one should not raise prices until they have recurring job orders. I have not reached this point yet. So my train of thought is to keep prices low until I reach a total of 10 orders (only need 3 more for that), and after that, increase the prices of some of my gigs with more orders to meet the other requirement, the 400 EUR earnings.

Any tips or suggestions would be extremely appreciated.

Kind regards,


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Thank you!

I believe though I comply with most of the tips you mentioned. Obviously it is my top priority to deliver on time and to communicate effectively otherwise clients are going to lose any interest in buying any of my gigs. I do have a dedicated Twitter account where I regularly post content, plus I follow groups in Reddit, Quora and regularly read different threads from Fiverr Forum (tried in Facebook groups as well, but they are full of scammers, so I dropped it). Not really sure what you mean by "5. Meet the Minimum Requirements".

Also, what do you think I am missing in my profile - referring to your first point?

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