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I'm Struggling to Get Orders on Fiverr


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Hello, Fiverr community,

I hope everyone is doing well. I've been a seller on Fiverr for some time now, and I'm facing an issue that's been bothering me. Despite my best efforts, I'm not getting as many orders as I'd like. I've tried optimizing my gig, promoting it, and offering competitive prices, but I'm still not getting visibility.

I wanted to reach out to this supportive community to see if anyone has faced similar challenges and if you could share your experiences and tips on boosting sales. I'm open to any advice, whether it's related to gig optimization, marketing strategies, or any other aspects of selling on Fiverr.

If you have any suggestions or success stories to share, please feel free to chime in. Your insights will be greatly appreciated, and I'm eager to learn from your experiences.

Thank you all in advance for your help and support!

Best regards,

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On 10/6/2023 at 12:23 AM, m_betoo said:

If you have any suggestions or success stories to share, please feel free to chime in. Your insights will be greatly appreciated, and I'm eager to learn from your experiences.

Hello too

  • Because of your poor gig galleries, no one is willing to place orders on your gigs. This is also another reason that your impressions/visibility/clicks are not improving.
  • So better to start optimizing your gigs again/further i.e. improve gig galleries and add relevant gig images/videos/PDF. Currently, your gig galleries are too distracting and not good enough to grab buyer's attention. You can do research on Fiverr regarding your niche.
  • Your gig titles are not making any sense.. For instance: "I will clickable email signature, email signature, HTML email signature".. "I will code HTML email signature, clickable HTML email signature". What is the difference between these 2 gigs and what are they about? It's not making sense. Work on it.
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Hello, Fiverr community,

I've been actively offering my services on Fiverr, but I'm looking for effective strategies to boost my sales and grow my freelance business. I've optimized my gig descriptions, used relevant keywords, and provided quality work, but I'm eager to learn from your experiences and insights. What are some proven methods, tips, or techniques that have helped you increase sales on Fiverr? Whether it's related to gig promotion, buyer communication, pricing strategies, or any other aspect, I'd greatly appreciate your valuable advice to take my Fiverr journey to the next level.

Thank you for sharing your expertise!

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10 minutes ago, m_betoo said:

I've optimized my gig descriptions, used relevant keywords, and provided quality work

Hello too

You have done everything for your gigs except gig galleries. Sorry to say that your gig galleries are too poor and not good enough to grab buyer's attention and you have added those images which are not relevant to your gigs. So if you really have 3 years of experience then you should start working on gig galleries i.e. add some of your previous work in a creative way. 

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5 hours ago, smartdezigns said:

Hello too

You have done everything for your gigs except gig galleries. Sorry to say that your gig galleries are too poor and not good enough to grab buyer's attention and you have added those images which are not relevant to your gigs. So if you really have 3 years of experience then you should start working on gig galleries i.e. add some of your previous work in a creative way. 

Ok I will work on gig galleries and also improve my images. Can I will see your gig images to create my image as an idea?

Thank you for guide me.

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39 minutes ago, m_betoo said:

Ok I will work on gig galleries and also improve my images. Can I will see your gig images to create my image as an idea?

Thank you for guide me.

You can browse my gigs. No problem but it would be better if you do research on Fiverr regarding your own niche.. 

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The best advice i have received is to see what the "Best Sellers", "Top Rated" and "Level Two" sellers are doing in your category, see what description they use and then see what can make you stand out, see what tags they use, etc... Just pretty much see what they are doing and follow the trend.

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