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LGBT and LGBT Supportive Sellers


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On 8/28/2023 at 9:49 AM, dnacens said:

Any tips on finding LGBT and LGBT Supportive Sellers? I have run into some sellers who won’t work on LGBT logo animation as it doesn’t “align with their business”.


Genuine question: did they say those exact words? Or is that a paraphrase you gathered based on your interactions? And if they did say those exact words, did you do due diligence to follow up and ask them exactly how it didn't align with their business?

I ask because I've had some buyers accuse me of some pretty specific stuff and tear into me based on what they feel they "read between the lines" of our conversation. For instance, I do not voice any political advertisements of any kind, regardless of party, as a personal rule. This is stated in my gig description and nobody gets a pass. I once had a potential buyer get extremely upset when I declined to voice her political advertisement that just happened to include some LGBT content. She accused me of being a bigot, and being "on the wrong side of history," and threatened to go to customer service over it. We never discussed content, and I never mentioned anything about my stance regarding the content when declining, only citing my blanket policy.

Not assuming you are, but IF you are reading into things they said I would very much caution against it. If however they said they won't participate in the project specifically due to conflicts with the material, that could be a different story, depending on their specific reasons. But it would be on you to get them to divulge their specific reasons, and it would behoove you not to assume if they haven't explicitly stated their objection if to LGBT content unless they explicitly state otherwise.

That said, if finding pro-LGBT sellers is important to you I would simply look for clues in their gig description, or just ask them outright. So far as I know Fiverr doesn't have an LGBT-friendly filter on service providers.

Edited by texvox
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