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Dispute Order


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Recently A buyer send the request to cancel the order and i cancel the request the request and asking him to extend the delivery time and remaining delivery time is too short so i deliver the order and again send him the request to extend the time and buyer is offline. Now i also contact the customer support to extend the delivery time or cancel it. Is any body give me advise about it.

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I'm not sure I understand the question. 

You're saying a buyer requested a cancellation, but you refused and asked the buyer to accept an extension. The remaining time was too short, so you delivered the order anyway and requested to extend the delivery time again.

How could you ask for more time if you had already delivered the order?

The buyer is offline, and you have contacted support to extend the time or cancel the order. 

Is that correct? 

If so, this sounds like a case of poor communication between you and your buyer.

Why did the buyer wish to cancel? 

If you need more time, why did you not ask for enough time to complete the task? 

If you delivered the order without making the agreed-upon changes or completing the work properly, that's not allowed, and you shouldn't do that. 

What is the current order status, and what are you hoping to achieve?

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14 minutes ago, mianshahab12 said:

The current status is buyer gets all access back from me and now i am contacting customer support to cancel this order. I sent around 6 to 7 requests to cancel the order but no response from customer support.

Please remember that Customer Support can take up to 72 hours to respond. Sending multiple requests does not speed up the process. 

I'm not sure what you want help with here, but I would advise working on your communication skills to avoid this type of situation in the future, as cancellations can hurt your visibility on Fiverr. 

Best of luck! 

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