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Multipe Orders Enabled but with no EXTRA days, why?

Guest karistinadavid

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Guest karistinadavid

I recently achieved Level 1 and so “Multiple Orders” option is configured on my Gigs, but there is something weiredd and I couldn’t understand.

A buyer gave 2 orders for a Gig and now I’ve to deliver two orders in two days (In normal case, there are two days for one order, so for two orders it should be 4 days).

So is there any solution to it or I’ll g=have to change the duration?

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Unfortunately, if the buyer just orders multiples of a gig (instead of adding extras), the days do not increase. It’s the same as if two different buyers ordered the gig at the same time–the days don’t double, they just…are. If it is a concern, do change the duration of your gig (thought it’s too late for that specific gig).

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Hi Karistina,

Congrats on your Level 1 achievement. To answer your question, Fiverr does not increase the days on multiple orders. So, even if a buyer orders $40 worth of material for you and you have a 2-day turnaround, all 8 gigs must be done in 2 days.

I’ve had to up my delivery days because of this very fact, letting potential clients know why my delivery day is so high.

Good luck!

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You can add extra days to your gig if a customer buys an Extra. So a good way to work around this would be, for example, add an extra that says “For an extra $5, I will upgrade to a 1400 word article to pass CopyScape” and then you can add an extra two days to that one. I notice you have already added extra days with your “500 words SEO article” Extra, so that’s great.

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