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I cann't find my gig🥺



What causes my gigs to lose rank?  I have 16 reviews in my account.  All my clients have given me 5 star reviews.  The gigs were always on the first or second page.  Now they have moved to the 17th and 18th pages.  What is the reason for this?  The gigs will not come forward?  Interest in working on fiver is decreasing day by day.  What can I do in this situation???  Hope my all expert brothers & sisters give me a good solution.

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I used to see my gigs when I search for them back in the day, but I can't these days when I search even the title. Even when I tell other Fiverr sellers to search for me, they can't find me. Yea, my gigs are active, but this is unsettling. I have messaged support about this. All I hear is that your gigs are active; you have nothing to worry about. But here I am, dying silently because if I can't be found on search results, how am I gonna make sales? For someone who has been on Fiverr since 2014, and have brought in tens of thousands of dollars in sales, it is very painful when this type of thing happens.

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