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Will late cancellation affect my rating?


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So I have an order from this customer to develop a bot (700 USD worth). After the first delivery 3 days ahead of deadline, he requested revision stating that "The bot doesn't work" without any additional information. I asked him for information about the revision, but he kept ignoring me and my messages for 10 days straight. When the order is 7 days late I decided to request for deadline extension and magically he rejected the request and then sent me a bunch of complaints. I felt like this will be a scammer and I don't want to hassle with this anymore, so I would want to request for a cancellation. But what should I do in this situation so that the cancellation won't affect my gig stat?

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Hi, as far as i know if you request the cancellation theres no way to avoid it to affect your order delivery ratio and your stats. I think you should have contacted with CS when the client stopped answering and the delivery date was close, however, before cancelling the order that is already marked as late you should contact CS explaning the situation and asking them if they can intercede with the buyer to see if you can finish the bot and not loose neither the work you did nor the money you deserve for it.

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35 minutes ago, shalock said:

Hi, as far as i know if you request the cancellation theres no way to avoid it to affect your order delivery ratio and your stats. I think you should have contacted with CS when the client stopped answering and the delivery date was close, however, before cancelling the order that is already marked as late you should contact CS explaning the situation and asking them if they can intercede with the buyer to see if you can finish the bot and not loose neither the work you did nor the money you deserve for it.

Will this affect my gig performance? Like reduced traffic, view, clicks, etc,...

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1 hour ago, trangiathinh said:

Will this affect my gig performance? Like reduced traffic, view, clicks, etc,...

As far as I know, the reduction of your gig stats can affect its performance in the ranking, so it may lead to traffic reduction and therefore less views, clicks, etc.

That said, I haven't found yet the definitive positioning guide for Fiverr but definitely your stats are a big part of it.

I think that as I said, before requesting a cancellation you should try to solve it through CS.

I hope I have been helpful.

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45 minutes ago, shalock said:

As far as I know, the reduction of your gig stats can affect its performance in the ranking, so it may lead to traffic reduction and therefore less views, clicks, etc.

That said, I haven't found yet the definitive positioning guide for Fiverr but definitely your stats are a big part of it.

I think that as I said, before requesting a cancellation you should try to solve it through CS.

I hope I have been helpful.

Thank you for your response. It was very helpful. Thank you a lot.

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