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All gigs not promotable and low impressions


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Suddenly a few months ago ALL of my gigs became  not promotable and as a result my earnings took a nosedive real fast. I have a  top rated seller badge for years. have been on Fiverr since 2013, perfect 5.0 rating, generally didn't have any conflicts with buyers and very low cancellation rate. 


I am OK with my gigs not being promoted but the search results baffle me, even with the best selling option selected, my main gig shows on the SECOND page. My gig is the best selling in the service I do...I have been here for years and generally have always been on the first page. No wonder my earnings are down, potential buyers simply can't find my gig in the search results.  Tags, description, etc. everything is fine, simply my gig was pushed down in the search results. 

Am I black listed or something? Fiverr support claims that gigs might start to get promoted once again after they become promotable, I mean come on, I am all for new sellers getting exposure but at least the search results should reflect the amount of sales I have done and amount of earnings I have brought to Fiverr. 

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2 hours ago, palmreader37 said:

gigs might start to get promoted once again after they become promotable, I mean come on, I am all for new sellers getting exposure but at least the search results should reflect the amount of sales I have done

It’s not about giving a chance to new sellers, the problem is with your performance. 
if your gigs are unqualified for promotion then it’s a very strong hint that some of your hidden metrics went down or you got bad hidden feedback from clients. 
And no wonder your search results are affected, it is based on your performance and as we know based on your promotion feature that it did drop then it’s only logical that you will be shown less. 
And on top of that algorithm changed a lot and you checking which page you are shown at doesn’t mean anything, results are tailored for different people and others might see your gig on different spots from where you see it. 
I also had a look and you had at least two really bad feedback 3&5 months ago and three more not so stellar reviews in that period 

I suggest for you to read this thread to get better understanding of how algorithm changed because there were drastic changes in the last year 👇


Edited by mariashtelle1
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Guest fr1717

I've just listed my 2 gigs after quiting fiverr for a long time.. and notice no chances to get my gig be seen by visitor unless I have to pay fiverr for some paid promotion. Which seem to be the new way of fiverr getting more money and I dont think I will be doing that. I came here to check for others experience and hence.. I've came with a solution.. I will delete my gig right after this🤣. Fiverr is not the only place to sell our service and looking at how is fiverr doing this these days, I really dont like to become seller, neither buyer. 

Anyway good luck guys...

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I am aware of the changes that Fiverr 3.0 or 3.1 has brought or at least I do think I am aware...some of the points look a bit mystifying, like what's the point of search options if they don't work properly...


Lets just say I made a five figure profits to Fiverr alone, I get one or two bad reviews and suddenly I am out of the window? How in the world do I know the people that left those reviews aren't some competing sellers out to bring my profits down?


I don't want to sound selfish, Fiverr is big place and there is room for everyone at least in the type of work I do...but please people, I would have never gotten over 2k good reviews, great response rate and response time if I did low quality, sloppy work with late deliveries...its impossible. I wouldn't have lasted 9 weeks let alone 9 years, leaving a trail of  happy customers. 




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6 minutes ago, palmreader37 said:

but please people, I would have never gotten over 2k good reviews, great response rate and response time if I did low quality, sloppy work with late deliveries...its impossible.

And I would call it “denial” 😉 


Don’t you find that it’s too much of a coincidence that your first bad review was 5-6 months ago and that’s exactly when your ranking plummeted? And you also didn’t help yourself with a cascade of bad  or semi bad reviews almost every month after that review which did not let those bad reviews to roll out of ratio that is taken into account over the certain period. 

And yes, one bad review can affect you pretty hard (especially when it wasn’t just one bad review) and especially if those unhappy clients filled out private reviews too and your happy clients did not fill out private reviews then that bad private feedback will have a lot of weight for the algorithm 

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