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Lost level 2((((((((((((


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Guest tn5rr2012

I looked at your gigs and the reason you received negative feedback is because you failed to deliver on time. So what I suggest is if you find yourself not being able to deliver in the amount of time you have alloted then extend your gig delivery time.

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  • 9 months later...

I lost 2 levels at once at got them back in less than 2 days. I forgot to suspend my gigs last time I went on vacation and missed 2 orders completely. Never saw them, Never delivered. Came back from vacation seeing I was demoted from lvl2 to a sheep. One of the gigs I missed was someone I had delivered several previous gigs to. I apologized, explained the situation and they re-ordered and removed the negative feedback. I’m not sure how Fiverr was calculating the ratios or if the Fiverr gods were smiling on me but my LVL2 was restored the next day.

Have you considered offering the negative feedback buyer a free or discounted service in exchange for removing the negative feedback? Saying something like I really try to make all my customers happy so is there something I can do to fix this. If they remove the feedback you should get your rating back.

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