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I am a level seller But I am not getting order can anybody guide me


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  1. You have "professional" spelled wrong in multiple gigs, so that won't be found when a customer searches. 
  2. It is only my opinion, but I always shy away from the "I will do any kind of..."  Fiverr gigs should be very niche oriented so you can target your customer base. 
  3. The gig photo on your primary gig is not very good.  Nothing about it makes me want to click.
  4. Your profile description has several punctuation and grammatical errors, and you lead with talking about data entry, but your primary gig is photoshop...........confusing
  5. You can add 5 search tags and you are only using 4.  They are also repeating photoshop words when they should be using other terms.  Fiverr clearly states to not duplicate words between your gig title and search tags. 
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