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Low CTR. Create a new gig with new pic or just change the pic?


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Created a gig. It was hand picked as a rising talent after creation. The gig has received 2600 impressions so far and only 8 clicks for now.

- Is it worth changing the picture if the gig was selected by the editors. Doesn't that mean the picture is good, although the CTR seems low to me?
- What should I do - just change a picture on existing gig and watch analytics or create a new gig with another picture?


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Hello, Anthony, 

Congratulations on having rising talent. I looked at your profile, and the first thing I wanted to do was close my eyes. Your choice of colors may be one that could attract the eye of a prospective buyer who is quickly going through the search pages. However, they are garish and not something I want to look at for long. 

I would change your colors and wait to see if things improve. Also, you have way too much info on the image on your google ads gig. Buyers move through the search pages speedily and do not take time to read everything, so put the most critical 4 to 5 words on your gig images.

If your CTR is low, the buyers must not like something about your gig descriptions. I noticed your profile description has two incomplete sentences, and there are errors in capitalization, spelling and punctuation. Buyers may not hire you because they fear you may not provide the proper English in your copywriting.

Good luck with making the needed changes. 🍀

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