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Issues getting feedback from clients?



I have been on Fiverr for about three years now. I have had a 100% positive rating on my gigs, and 100% of my customers rated me... until one day, BOOM! No more ratings! Not bad ratings (which I'm certainly grateful for that, but no more ratings, PERIOD). Fiverr goes to great lengths to make sure we don't communicate with one another outside the platform, and I try to be very careful and not solicit specific feedback from customers, while still emphasizing the importance of feedback and, more importantly, making sure that their delivery meets or exceeds their expectations. Some customers are occasional visitors to Fiverr I'm sure, so once they have their work, they may not return to check their inboxes, but it seems strange to me how all of a sudden one day I just quit getting feedback.

I've honestly come as close to the line as I care to "badgering" customers to leave feedback after the gig has closed... again "CLOSE" to the line, not crossing it, but still no feedback. I have gotten quite polite and positive verbal / text responses that they were "delighted" with the work and would work with me again if the need arises, but it's almot like either a) they're not being prompted by Fiverr to leave feedback or b) Fiverr is somehow not applying their feedback to me.

If this was an occasional occurrence, I would look to the quality of my own work, but since this occurred suddenly and has ever since been the issue 100% of the time, I can't help but think that SOMETHING has changed. Has anyone else experienced this trend?

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2 answers to this question

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Only 69% of my total orders have been rated and I'm 99% sure that's not because people don't like my work. Just like you, many of the buyers not leaving me a review have let me know they loved the work I did. 

For the % of buyers who just accepted and never talked to me again? I never questioned it twice. It's most often a privacy/staying anonymous issue or some are like you say on Fiverr just for that one order. I never ask for any feedback either, since I assume if they accepted it they liked the delivery. 

I don't believe something of a higher power is going on here. It's probably just suspicious since you haven't encountered it before and now it happened a few times in a row. Of course I'd rather have buyers leave me a review but if they don't, it is what it is. At least I completed an order! 

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Getting positive ratings and comments really encourage us and also I believe that it gives a positive boost to sellers metrics.

It sounds great that you've received 100% positive ratings from 100% buyers. It's amazing and quite difficult.

I don't think there is any issue like you mentioned in your point a, b.

Also, it's not because of your work quality is not good. Sometimes buyer just mark the order completed and left the order page,

sometimes, they do same from cellphone, and don't check the rating option.


However, I'm not sure for how many orders you didn't get ratings. But you can check @sabinespoems's reply.

Also, I just noticed, that in a row, I didn't receive any rating for 5 orders recently. They are working with me for couple of times, yet they forget to rate me. So I think it's normal.

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