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W-9 question



I was asked to fill out w-9 form and told they will get back to me in a few days. I can't activate as a seller until this is complete?  No answer, no way to get answers on this site. Why do people love this site? There is absolutely no way to get a questions answered. I asked for help and paid someone to help me get set up, the girl's picture in the ad - it was a not a girl but a guy from Nigeria. What is this place? Is it even safe or legit?  

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2 answers to this question

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So you filled out a W-9 with all your personal information and sent it to some "recruiter" from Nigeria? That may not end well.

I would suggest if you have not already, put a FREEZE on your SSN with the credit bureaus. Someone in Nigeria will probably start taking out loans and credit cards in your name.

I have never heard of anyone "paying" someone to set up their page here. In fact, you are supposed to sign up and create your own content.

Number one thing I would do is put a freeze on anyone using your SSN to get credit in your name (identity theft) and second, I would message customer service, explain your issue and ask if you can create a new account (will need to be a different name than what the Nigerian was using) on the platform to sell here.

The thing is, if this Nigerian was setting up your Fiverr account, I imagine they would also have had all the passwords, payment info (PayPal or Payoneer etc) you would have used to get paid for any sales here as well as your email and such. Not good! I would also check the statement of whatever card/payment system you used to pay this person to "set you up on Fiverr". Make sure there aren't any unapproved charges.

Hopefully, you can get this sorted out and sell here - it is a good platform, you just got sucked into a scam. That scam has to do with the Nigerian who bilked you, not Fiverr.

Here is the email for customer service: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/new/gig


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