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My name is Sarah. I feel like I need to be honest, I'm an affiliate with fiverr. I have joined fiverr a couple of years ago, but couldn't figure it out and quickly gave up. I've been an active affiliate with fiverr for a couple of months now, and so I'm trying to learn everything I can about it. I have three blogs I write. Keep debating whether or not I want to take anything more on. Though making some money would be nice. 

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12 hours ago, traveilngsarah5 said:

My name is Sarah. I feel like I need to be honest, I'm an affiliate with fiverr. I have joined fiverr a couple of years ago, but couldn't figure it out and quickly gave up. I've been an active affiliate with fiverr for a couple of months now, and so I'm trying to learn everything I can about it. I have three blogs I write. Keep debating whether or not I want to take anything more on. Though making some money would be nice. 

Keep working

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18 hours ago, traveilngsarah5 said:

My name is Sarah. I feel like I need to be honest, I'm an affiliate with fiverr. I have joined fiverr a couple of years ago, but couldn't figure it out and quickly gave up. I've been an active affiliate with fiverr for a couple of months now, and so I'm trying to learn everything I can about it. I have three blogs I write. Keep debating whether or not I want to take anything more on. Though making some money would be nice. 

Welcome to Fiverr community and wish you all the best.

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