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8 answers to this question

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There are 14 reviews on your profile. You can keep clicking "+ See More" at the bottom of the page to see them all. If you don't see the "See more" about the bottom of the page try reloading the page (eg. ctrl F5).

Only reviews that you have given your review to or are >=10 days old will show.

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12 minutes ago, mdhasan_999 said:

I clicked Ctrl F5 but still can't see "+ She More"

What do you see just below the last review you can see on your profile (ie. below around the 4th review if that's the last review you can see - it shows after the 5th review when I view that)? It should say "+See More" there if there are more than are already on the page.

Have you tried viewing using Chrome and/or Firefox? Have you tried viewing with a logged out browser?

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21 minutes ago, mdhasan_999 said:

I logged it out but can't see "+ She's More"


Maybe trying removing Fiverr cookies and reloading the page might fix it if it's not showing it. Do you have cookies and scripts enabled for that page? And is your desktop >=1920x1080 and have you made sure you're not zoomed in in the browser?

View in Firefox with it logged out. It doesn't show the "+ See More" on your own profile if you are logged in with Chrome and select your profile option (and probably if the cookie for it still there). Removing the Fiverr cookies and refreshing might show them but using a different browser like Firefox (or another you don't use for Fiverr) will be easier.

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7 minutes ago, mdhasan_999 said:

I can't "+see more"

Please see that


But you're logged in there because it's showing "Take a test".

Either log out and remove Fiverr cookies and then reload the page with CTrl F5 or use another browser that you aren't logged into Fiverr with that has no Fiverr cookies from when you were logged in and view your profile.

It's not showing it because it knows that's your profile (because of the cookies) but it will show the "+ See More" on other user's profiles for you because it knows they aren't you.

It might be easier if you try with a different browser then you won't have to log out and remove Fiverr cookies with your main one you use for Fiverr.


Here's a simpler answer that will work when you are logged in.

Just click the "Preview Public Mode" option near the top of the page to make it display it how others see it. It will then show the "+ See More" at the bottom of the page. If it doesn't show with that option press F5 and check again.

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