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Gig issue from last 1 and half months



Hi Seniors

I am in a worst situation from last 1 & half months when i got warning. I have 3 gigs but one of the best seller gig is dissappeard from all searches after every 2, 3 hours.

Gigs come live for few hours in a day then it suddenly disappears then after 8 to 10 hours it comes live on first page. When i compain to customer support they always say that it's automatic. My gig's analytics are perfect. Still 14 orders in queue. When my gig comes live i get 2 to 3 orders daily but when it dissappears from all searches, i don't get even any message. It's been 1 and half month now. I'm afraid that will it remain like this forever?

all other 2 gigs are perfect, they even don't get orders but stand on first page. What should i do


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1 answer to this question

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Why can't I find my Gig in the search? Why is my Gig not in the same spot in the marketplace?

In the marketplace, a Gig's position is based on the seller’s performance over a set period. Gig positions are not permanent and can rotate daily. 

There are many factors to take into consideration, some of which may include: 

  • Order cancellations
  • Delivery rate
  • Responsiveness
  • The particular Gig’s maximum number of active orders in the queue, as based on your seller level.  
  • Other Gigs performing at a higher rate. 

Note: If other sellers are ranked higher, they may be consistently getting 5-star feedback, delivering on time, communicating quicker, and so on. 

It all counts. For this reason, ensure that you provide high-quality and original work, avoid late deliveries and cancellations, are responsive, and always remain professional.

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