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Sellers Harassing for reviews


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Hello! I have been using Fiverr for the past week and have run into a few weird things. I am curious if this is normal for Fiverr.

Out of the 6 orders I have placed in the last 3 days, 2 of the sellers have let it be known via messages that they appreciate the tip and positive ratings I gave. However, they were not enough. A satisfactory rating wasn’t high enough; I was bombarded with requests to change it. A perfect rating wasn’t enough; why didn’t I write more in my review.

Both of these two separate sellers received tips equal to the cost of their service. One encounter like this is odd, but 2/6 seems like a pattern. AITAH?

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That’s super bizarre. I’ve accepted about 37 deliveries so far, some of which I skipped the review and didn’t tip. A decent number of the reviews I did give are one-liners. I haven’t encountered that. A few had request for reviews inside the delivery message, but I haven’t been asked for anything after accepting the delivery.

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Requests to change a positive review into a more elaborately detailed positive review?

Just report the jokers to Fiverr Customer Support.

Sellers are not allowed to solicit any feedback or demand any type of review. Reviews are entirely optional and it’s the buyer’s prerogative if they want to leave one or not, and how to rate it if they do.

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OOOOO that is awesome! Thank You!

The behaviour of those sellers are definitely not acceptable. I’m a seller, and I’ve had customers who’ve bought my services and left no review (sometimes they’re busy, most are repeats who’ve reviewed me before), which is totally fine with me.

It’s good that you came on the forum, atleast now you’re more aware that the bullying behaviour of those sellers are against Fiverr’s TOS. All the best.

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