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Clicks and Impressions are Down


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Same happens with me. Simply its an error my resopnse rate was dropping to 1% everyday. I contacted them and they solved it. Its an bug bro, contact the CS before the evaluation.

If you’re sure it’s not working as it says it should you can create a ticket about it (with attachments eg. screenshots if it helps) and they’ll probably fix your response rate if it’s wrong.

How i can contact them bro?? Isn’t it risky? Risky means will it not be a threat to my account in any sense? Regarding violating TOS?

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Hahahaha!!! Why its Against TOS? Contacting CS is not any kind of TOS violation! I once contacted the buyer outside

NO NO!! I’m saying, if i contact “Custom Support Team”.

the fiverr, I contacted CS for apology and request them to not to send me violation. They replied and they said:- “Mistakes can be happen from anyone. Its against the TOS for contacting outside the buyer. However, since you apologized, so we’ll not send you any kind of warning! But make sure to not to repeat suck mistakes again”

Means to say they are very cooperative and good people!

WOW! It’s for first time with me that’s why brother.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I daily send maximum buyer requests. Those i’m sure i can do the work.

If you’re gig that mention in the buyer request is not much interesting they won’t look at it. So, first you have to change the gig elements something that interesting to watch>

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  • 1 year later...
On 4/12/2021 at 2:06 PM, venonusa said:

for us is past 4 months and nothing grow … we past from 250 order to few orders … we have contacted fiverr and they said we have to create website, create portfolio, promote our portfolio and say to new customer to buy our service in Fiverr … this sounds bad to us … why would a seller create a website and then send his customers to fiverr? (when he can tell to the buyer to buy directly on his site …?!)

what we said to Fiverr team is that we want to sell in Fiverr … we dont want open a new website … it seems like they no longer have room for all the sellers and they are trying to drive the sellers away…

we are waiting the Fiverr answer

How did it go for you?

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1 minute ago, rikkuo said:

How did it go for you?

we had to wait around 60 days where the negative feedbacks and other performances had leave from our 60days performance window. Anyway our post was published around 1 year ago and AGAIN today happen it! we are on the loop .... few orders, low impressions, we can not create Fiverr ads... working on this way is discouraging us

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just to clarify our position, we have around 12,500 orders on our backs… going from 250 orders per month to 80 orders per month is not good… I know a lot of Fiverr freelancer who are moving to other Fiverr competitor sites… this could be the beginning of the destruction of the Fiverr project if everyone starts leaving on other Fiverr competing sites....

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Yes, seems they rotate the gigs, this means one time you are on front and one time you are at end, but it's not a good system because when you're at end nobody will see your gig....

a good system instead could be to rotate the gigs but with reduced frequency....

....if you stay 2-3 months on last page, very likely that if you are a new freelancer you will close your Fiverr account....

...but if your gigs rotate every week, you will receive impressions, clicks and some orders, this will give you a good will to continue...

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Promote your business on social media!

Yes, does anyone have a better idea? Only this advice is given in the whole forum. Dude, I understand you want to help but it doesn't help at all. Sharing my gig on social media every day is of no use to me. Will I do my job or spend all day taking care of my social media account?


Potential buyers should contact us with search or buyer requests. There are certain people who follow me on social media. What's the point of posting my Gig over and over again every day? Shall we promote our Gig by spamming other groups and pages? Fiverr needs to do something about it, not us.

I'm a level 1 seller and sometimes I don't get messages from any buyers for days. I was getting more messages when I didn't have a level yet. Something has changed in Fiverr. Fiverr needs to figure this out.

Edited by awoapp
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for who say "promote gigs on social" , can you explain why? 

why should a seller promote the gig on social networks when they can offer the service directly on social networks? this of promoting gigs on social media is meaningless!

Explain to me why if your performance drops Fiverr won't let you use ads?   ( You have to pay to promote the gigs, is not free...) 

Do you know how Amazon and ebay ads work? Maybe you know, but if you don't know, I'll explain: if you have a product on their platforms they offer you the PAYING possibility to promote your product, even if your product has all negative reviews... this is because the customer will have to decide to buy or not your product....

Now go back to the previous step and explain to me why if the seller's performance goes down Fiverr no longer gives you the opportunity to promote your gigs with Fiverr ads.

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Guest creativeenamul

Yes, it is disappointing. As a beginner, though I have tiny knowledge about this issue but I would suggest that, Please demonstrate your projects/works in social and media with your gig link as well as share popular blog site with your fiverr link. I think it might help. Thanks.

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14 hours ago, creativeenamul said:

Yes, it is disappointing. As a beginner, though I have tiny knowledge about this issue but I would suggest that, Please demonstrate your projects/works in social and media with your gig link as well as share popular blog site with your fiverr link. I think it might help. Thanks.

Nope! Why should a seller promote the gig on social networks when they can offer the service directly on social networks? this of promoting gigs on social media is meaningless! Fiverr has to help freelancer, otherwise, what's the point staying on the Fiverr platform if I have to bring also my clients from my social networks?

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