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New seller but no order


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Hi , I am Abu Suyaib Nayem . I am new on fiverr . It almost 4 months i published my first gig on my profile, but i am not getting any order yet . Now i have 7 gigs on my profile but the impression of those gigs are getting down day by day . If anyone can suggest me some technic to improve my gigs so that i can generate sells from my profile . (BTW i am sending buyer request daily but that doesn’t help)
Thank you .

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Guest lloydsolutions

Share your gigs on social media and send 10 buyer requests every day. Hopefully in a few days you will get your results. You are more active on social media and try to stay active 24 hours Fiverr account then you can be successful.

and try to stay active 24 hours

Stop spreading this meaningless (Fiverr myth) statement with no substance!

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