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Buyer requesting a refund because she can't read the epub


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Hi all. I have just completed an ebook for a client who can’t read it at her end. I have tried explaining that she needs an ebook reader (e.g., Kindle Previewer) to view it, which she can download for free. She says the app won’t install properly. Now she wants a refund because she can’t view the work. As far as I see it, the fault is at her end – it’s not my fault if she can’t install the software. Should she get a refund? I have done the work according to our contract. It’s a $150 job, so I’d like to get paid for it!

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Update: The buyer figured out how to download the reader, so all is right with the world 🙂

I’m glad it got resolved. For epubs there might be some simpler and quicker ways of viewing them without the need to install Kindle Previewer 3. For example Readium extension for Chrome, or EpubReader for Firefox, Foliate for Linux, Google Play Books, … Of course, if it is an epub that will be used for publication, it’s a different story.

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