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3 best selling gigs are out of search from last 2 months


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Hello Experts, Please help me so that I can come back to my OLD POSITION!

Im a level 2 seller, completed more than 1300’s orders and have 900+ ratting…working on fiverr more than 4 years and Im extremely happy with it 🙂

I had 3 best selling gigs and all have more than 300+ five start (5) rattings, they were always present on 1st page on searching…so I earned a great revenue in every months…
But from May, 20 I stared facing difficulties to get auto new orders, no new buyer knocked!
I didnt stop doing marketing on twitter, blogs etc…but no result…! Even I also knocked CS several time, but they didn’t provides any solution without saying “Your gigs are active…”

I waited and waited… thought it will be fixed automatically soon…but now 4 month’s has been passed and its not solved… the impressions and clicks are also getting down every day… Didn’t get any massage from any new buyer’s or any new auto order.

But my gigs are continuously taking custom order from my regular buyer’s… but since its my business…so without getting auto or new orders Im losing my business 😦

Honestly speaking now I’m quite frustrated…

thank you all to read my big massage, but if anyone can suggest what should I do I would I great thankful to him/her.

Thank you all

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Thank you @amitkarmakar327 for your feedback.

As per your suggestions I cross checked. So my average selling prices more than gig prices, response rate is 1/2 hours from February and had only 2 cancel in this year (march, june). The cancellation also 0.

Have any more suggestion ???

I think you should now change the keywords and research a bit about others competitors’ gig title and keywords… and you can also use Fivlytics for your niche and for me its shows nothing… but I hope it’s work for you.So my suggestion is

  1. First research you keywords and select which keywords has less gigs and take 5 keywords 3 your unique Keywords and 2 are your competitors keywords

    2.after selecting keywords implement in your title and your Seo title… and wait for 10-15 days. I hope it will work for you… If it is worse than before, please backup your current title, seo title and current keywords so you can change them whatever you want.

    Thank you…

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“Gig positions are not permanent and can rotate on a daily basis.”

This can be found here, https://sellers.fiverr.com/en/article/levels-warnings-and-status under Gig Status, in the second drop-down.

This might also play a part:

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