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Is there a way to reset the timer on cancellation/dispute?


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Had some bad reviews left due to lagging on sending out picture evidence of a buyer’s pair of deliveries. Offered to fix it by sending the proofs + full refunds but the buyer had not responded yet. Did not want to have the reviews still on but that happens if the refund goes through automatically (ie. buyer does not click accept mutual cancellation) and there was only 30 min left before it automatically closed. I tried cancelling the refund then resubmitting to reset the 2 day timer but although it said at the bottom 2 days the timer at the top went back to the timer left from the first time. Was just wondering which of those two to trust. As of now, it is no longer an issue though, the buyer did accept the refunds after my repeat attempt and proof is outbound. Reviews trump revenue 🙂 I am still curious as to this though, so if anyone has knowledge, please advise.

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  • 8 months later...

I’m actually wondering this right now. Does anyone know? I have a buyer who said they would accept the mutual cancellation but hasn’t yet so I’d rather it not cancel automatically since I know that affects your account but a mutual cancellation doesn’t.

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I was told by someone on Fiverr Support that it doesn’t affect your account if it’s a mutual cancellation or if Fiverr Support reviews it and cancels it for you but if the mutual cancellation isn’t accepted and it is cancelled automatically then it will. I’m assuming it just affects your cancellation percentage and maybe search results. I’m not too sure, a lot of things on here aren’t too clear to me and you get different answers from different people.

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