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How would you deal with this buyer?


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You should remind the buyer - politely! - that since they haven’t paid for the work you did, they don’t own it and therefore sharing it in any way is copyright infringement. Update CS with this, too - just add another comment to your existing ticket.

It’s a difficult one - yes, orders can stay in revision for ever …

What @cyaxrex does with this kind of thing is publishes it himself. He’s a writer, tho, so publishing on Amazon is relatively easy. Is there some way you could do something similar if necessary?

CS said they checked if the had provided my model and it seems not, so probably that was a missunderstanding. They also suggested me that we could create a second order with a lower price than the original, accept it and then they would cancel the first one, that way we both could get a partial amount of the payment, but the buyer rejected. So still this is going nowhere because he doesn’t want to cooperate and still tells me not to talk to him. I guess I’ll just wait

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You should remind the buyer - politely! - that since they haven’t paid for the work you did, they don’t own it and therefore sharing it in any way is copyright infringement. Update CS with this, too - just add another comment to your existing ticket.

It’s a difficult one - yes, orders can stay in revision for ever …

What @cyaxrex does with this kind of thing is publishes it himself. He’s a writer, tho, so publishing on Amazon is relatively easy. Is there some way you could do something similar if necessary?

Mmm what do you mean? Publising what?

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  • 9 months later...

Dear Freelances,
I am facing almost the same issue right now. A buyer bought some local citations for countries and we had clear deal that I will provide him the citations. I have provided him with them and now he says that “Hi, many of these listings do not have a hyperlink back to our website, just text with the weblink address - so we are not creating a backlink from the source. pls rectify. aside from this all looks fine.”
I cleared him that we had deal about local citations and now he has ordered 2 revision in which I have provided the same work again and again.

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