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Asking for some advice


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Important: Fiverr Sends A Lot Of Mixed Messages
You have a good start. You need to remove the stars before you get in trouble.
You also mentioned in a previous thread that you were considering making a video to introduce yourself and your gig. Did you change your mind?

I’ve gathered a bunch of useful links in the (RRD) section at the end of this thread. Basics to Improve Your Gig. A helpful breakdown and guide

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Important: Fiverr Sends A Lot Of Mixed Messages

You have a good start. You need to remove the stars before you get in trouble.

You also mentioned in a previous thread that you were considering making a video to introduce yourself and your gig. Did you change your mind?

I’ve gathered a bunch of useful links in the (RRD) section at the end of this thread. Basics to Improve Your Gig. A helpful breakdown and guide

Oh my god thanks so much. Just removed the stars. Yeah I am pretty young and I’m afraid that may scare people off. I personally hold the belief that as a student myself, I can connect better with younger students compared to an adult, but I still think a lot of people don’t realize. Hopefully I’ll do it at some point.

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