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Buyer Left Bad Review Even Though Its Biyer Fault


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Hi, I completed an order about 2 days ago. Biyer left me bad review even though its his mistake. So here is what happened:

I was approached to convert a file, that file was about 3gb and had over 6 million records. I gave her the price to convert. She placed order and she did not provided any instructions or criteria. So I converted entire file to excel. Since she did not leave any instructions so I assuemd she wanted entire data. Since it had over 6 million records I had to make 6 files as excel only allow to store a little over 1 million records in a sheet.

Then she asked for revision. She told me to exclude all the records older than 2015 and that she want me to fit all the data in 1 sheet.

There were years going back to 1976. I told her this information should have been given to me at the start of order. Becuase I cannot just modify excel files, I had to go back to source data txt file and convert it again from beginning but this time with filter. I still complied with her request and removed all years before 2015. Now total records left were about 5 million. Now how can I fit 5 million records in 1 sheet as excel sheet can store 10,48 ,576.

At this point I left her more then 1 messages, even though she was online she didn’t responded. Order was getting late so I delivered her all 5 million records and left her message to get back to me when you see this. And please let me know if you need anything else.

She accepted delivery and left feedback. At this point I asked her if she was happy with my service, now she replied saying “not really, and that she had many files converted before and sellers delivered her 1 file”.

By this answer I knew she left bad review. I told her it is not possible, the criteria you provided to remove years older than 2015 only reduce about 1 million records so putting 5 million records in single sheet is not possible. Then I suggested her solution on my own to remove all records with total payable > 500$ . When I applied this filter to data set, 800k records left. I sent her that file. She was happy with that file and told me that is what she wanted. So I told her it is buyers responsibility to provide clear job description and that this filter of removing data with total payable must have come from her. She replied no its your job not mine and that she can ask for any revision.

I mean how can I as a seller can go and delete any record if it is not communicated by seller?

I left her my sincere review, that is she is not good at communication, wont reply to messages and do not clearly state what she need done.

I have opened a ticket with fiverr support as I strongly believe I am correct and buyer is at fualt and I do not deserve bad review. I even did work 3 times without charge. Lets see what fiverr support decides.

Please let me know if I am wring or the buyer was.


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So today fiverr team replied, sadly they are sorry but cannot remore review even if client is wrong. Seriously they need to do better, we are generating money for them and they are punishing us. Left a reply but I doubt they will do anything.

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Hi, I completed an order about 2 days ago. Biyer left me bad review even though its his mistake. So here is what happened:

I was approached to convert a file, that file was about 3gb and had over 6 million records. I gave her the price to convert. She placed order and she did not provided any instructions or criteria. So I converted entire file to excel. Since she did not leave any instructions so I assuemd she wanted entire data. Since it had over 6 million records I had to make 6 files as excel only allow to store a little over 1 million records in a sheet.

Then she asked for revision. She told me to exclude all the records older than 2015 and that she want me to fit all the data in 1 sheet.

There were years going back to 1976. I told her this information should have been given to me at the start of order. Becuase I cannot just modify excel files, I had to go back to source data txt file and convert it again from beginning but this time with filter. I still complied with her request and removed all years before 2015. Now total records left were about 5 million. Now how can I fit 5 million records in 1 sheet as excel sheet can store 10,48 ,576.

At this point I left her more then 1 messages, even though she was online she didn’t responded. Order was getting late so I delivered her all 5 million records and left her message to get back to me when you see this. And please let me know if you need anything else.

She accepted delivery and left feedback. At this point I asked her if she was happy with my service, now she replied saying “not really, and that she had many files converted before and sellers delivered her 1 file”.

By this answer I knew she left bad review. I told her it is not possible, the criteria you provided to remove years older than 2015 only reduce about 1 million records so putting 5 million records in single sheet is not possible. Then I suggested her solution on my own to remove all records with total payable > 500$ . When I applied this filter to data set, 800k records left. I sent her that file. She was happy with that file and told me that is what she wanted. So I told her it is buyers responsibility to provide clear job description and that this filter of removing data with total payable must have come from her. She replied no its your job not mine and that she can ask for any revision.

I mean how can I as a seller can go and delete any record if it is not communicated by seller?

I left her my sincere review, that is she is not good at communication, wont reply to messages and do not clearly state what she need done.

I have opened a ticket with fiverr support as I strongly believe I am correct and buyer is at fualt and I do not deserve bad review. I even did work 3 times without charge. Lets see what fiverr support decides.

Please let me know if I am wring or the buyer was.


She placed order and she did not provided any instructions or criteria. So I converted entire file to excel.

Here where the buyer doesn’t provide instructions and you then decide to convert the file to excel was probably not the best thing to do. It would probably have been best to wait for instructions so you deliver what the buyer wants. If you don’t have a mandatory field for instructions you could set one to mandatory so it is less likely to happen in the future (unless someone enters rubbish in the instructions field). You could (if you didn’t) have sent a message to the buyer after a while asking the buyer to send the required instructions.

If the buyer says “other people converted big files into 1 file before” and wanted you to do the same with Excel but it was too big for 1 file (or 1 data sheet if she wanted it in that) you could have explained the limits to Excel/Excel data sheets (eg. around 1 million records). You could also have explained that limit to Excel in the reply to the review (or maybe more clearly).

If it (the 5 million records) could have been put in 1 excel file but by using multiple data sheets maybe that would have been okay (if you’d checked with the buyer first if they’d have been okay with that).

So it would probably be best to wait for instructions (and hopefully the order won’t start until they are given) and explain to the buyer if something is not possible (eg. in Excel) and ask what they want to do instead. Then do that or if they don’t want that done and it’s not possible to what they want, probably ask if they want to cancel.

The buyer might not have been right to do what they did but it might have been avoided by doing some of the above, including explaining any limitations (you could also quote them limitations to excel if necessary). Maybe changing the way you do revisions or just putting a note in the gig description if there isn’t one about your revision policy might help. Maybe limitations could be put in the gig description (like max 1 million records per Excel data sheet) if it’s mostly about converting to Excel.

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She placed order and she did not provided any instructions or criteria. So I converted entire file to excel.

Here where the buyer doesn’t provide instructions and you then decide to convert the file to excel was probably not the best thing to do. It would probably have been best to wait for instructions so you deliver what the buyer wants. If you don’t have a mandatory field for instructions you could set one to mandatory so it is less likely to happen in the future (unless someone enters rubbish in the instructions field). You could (if you didn’t) have sent a message to the buyer after a while asking the buyer to send the required instructions.

If the buyer says “other people converted big files into 1 file before” and wanted you to do the same with Excel but it was too big for 1 file (or 1 data sheet if she wanted it in that) you could have explained the limits to Excel/Excel data sheets (eg. around 1 million records). You could also have explained that limit to Excel in the reply to the review (or maybe more clearly).

If it (the 5 million records) could have been put in 1 excel file but by using multiple data sheets maybe that would have been okay (if you’d checked with the buyer first if they’d have been okay with that).

So it would probably be best to wait for instructions (and hopefully the order won’t start until they are given) and explain to the buyer if something is not possible (eg. in Excel) and ask what they want to do instead. Then do that or if they don’t want that done and it’s not possible to what they want, probably ask if they want to cancel.

The buyer might not have been right to do what they did but it might have been avoided by doing some of the above, including explaining any limitations (you could also quote them limitations to excel if necessary). Maybe changing the way you do revisions or just putting a note in the gig description if there isn’t one about your revision policy might help. Maybe limitations could be put in the gig description (like max 1 million records per Excel data sheet) if it’s mostly about converting to Excel.

Initially she asked to convert the entire file. What i meant is that she did not ask for specific data extraction.

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