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Spreading your gig through Social Media Word of Mouth! The Easy Way


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Hey, so I thought I’d share with you some of my success in getting a few sales starting up. I’ve had lots of impressions, clicks and now getting a few sales from this method (I was on fiverr years ago, but stopped due to traveling constraints and now came back on to start fresh to make some extra travel money) 🙂

What I use are the Social Media Interaction webpages. These allow you to look and choose who you want to like/subscribe/follow/view. While participating in this for other peoples Social Media Pages and Services you receive “coins” and you trade these coins for your own likes/subscribers/followers and views.

I use these coins to get users to Tweet about my fiverr gig. So basically I used the fiverr social share option for a gig on my page to share on twitter. But copy the post and put it into one of these social services. Then people will tweet about my gig to their followers all for free!

I hope I’ve explained this well and that you can go look for one of these social services. I don’t dare put a direct URL as fiverr will me not like (I don’t think). But a simple good search of add me fast will let you find one of the pages I am talking about.

I hope this helps you when spreading you gig around the internet as it is helping me and I’ve been waking up to new orders and questions about my gigs.



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