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I'm not satisfied with the delivered gig


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Hello, I hired someone to readproof and edit a very important document. I warned him about the quality of the final result, but it seems that he didn’t care and simply used a spelling corrector.

I’m not satisfied with the result. Is there a way to at least pay him 1 gig but to cancel the other gigs due to the mediocrity of the job done?

Please help me. What should I do?


My suggestion is to go ahead and mark the one gig complete, allowing you to leave feedback if you wish and to just cancel the others through mutual cancellation.

However, before you do that, might I make a suggestion and to speak with the seller about your displeasure. Maybe you can work something out. And, if not, for whatever reason, go ahead with the mutual cancellation, explaining why you want to cancel but that you’d like to pay him for his efforts anyway with one gig.

Good luck.


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