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Getting paid, etc


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First off, I want to say that I’m super stoked on Fiverr! But confused by the payment process. I was just letting the funds slowly build up and than money was gone from the account. I found out this happens after 14 days, but unclear as to how a portion was hacked off and some wasn’t. Also, I’m racking my brain trying to find out how to connect my paypal account. I applied for the card, but not counting on that as I never seem to be able to get credit cards. Can somebody just explain why I was owed $16 for 5 jobs now it says I’m owed $8? I know it’s a not a lot of money, it’s more that I want to understand how it works.

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The card is not a credit card, it’s a prepaid card. So you should be fine.

There are two possibilities, without seeing your revenues page I cannot be sure which. The funds may have cleared and what you are seeing is “earned this month” or the like. But the funds are either cleared or still waiting clearance (it takes 2 weeks really).

If you have a paypal account …I’m not sure how you link it. You might want to add the email you use to log into fiverr to your paypal account and maybe it will just work. I checked the customer service knowledge base and didn’t see any details.

The second possibility isn’t so pretty. Sometimes, a buyer does a refund / chargeback at the PAYPAL level and the money and order gets taken from both the seller and fiverr.

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