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My buyer wants to purchase multiple gigs but he did purchase them separately (one by one)

Guest overboost

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Guest overboost

My buyer wants to purchase 10 gigs for an order and he did purchase them one by one by I received only 3 of them. Where is the problem? Anybody help please…

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He probably didn’t send any information or a message with the orders not showing up - which does not start the order or start ‘the clock’. Under sales, click filter sales and click active. The missing orders should be under there.

If they are not there, he did not order 10 and only ordered 3. Another way you can check is check your notifications (the message bubble near the top right hand side).

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First of all,

Check whether he really ordered 10 times. If you want to see All orders (completed, delivered, incomplete, cancelled) from a particular client, just use this link:

http://fiverr.com/users/YOUR USERNAME/manage_orders?search_type=buyer&u=CLIENT’S USERNAME

Second and more important,

Just because someone ordered 10 times, it doesn’t mean that he actually did his part of the deal. What I’m trying to say is - and perhaps you already know that - you can’t deliver your work on a particular order if the client never responded to your gig’s Instructions i.e. if he didn’t write anything as a message on that order’s page after he ordered your gig.

In other words, if he updates the order’s page on 3 of his orders (seen in Active/New orders) and doesn’t do that on the other 7 (seen in Incomplete orders) - later, after you did a 10-gigs job, he can very easily cancel those 7 orders. Some scammers take advantage of this technical “flaw”.


Since you’re Level 1 - there are limitations how many Gig Multiples can you receive at once (Level 1 - Gig Multiples [max. 4]), so yes, in your case ordering the gigs separately is the only way for your client to pay you properly. You can also make a combination with the extras, but if you ask me: 10 orders = 10 potential positive reviews 😉

See the limitations per each level here:


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Hi, I think my question is related to this discussion thread:

I want to put a higher starting bid on one of my gig’s, let’s say USD 20, is there a way to do that? Because my buyer and I have agreed upon USD 85, but now he has to place seventeen 5-dollar orders and that seems a bit silly to me. Is there a way to go around that, preferrably by being able to edit the gig price from 5 to 20 dollars? Please help me, as I am about to close the deal. Regards, Lennart

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Reply to @sandelin:

No, you can’t do such thing 🙂 If you were Level 1, you would’ve been able to (in some way) achieve that, your client could’ve ordered your gig ($5) including extra ($20)… and do that 3 or 4 times at once (gig multiples), and 4 is the gig-multiples limit for the Level 1 sellers.

I’d go with the 17 orders because for each order you may receive a separate positive review. And as everyone here knows, the positive reviews are the path to your ultimate success, what’s water for life that’s positive reviews for your gig 🙂

The only question is whether you’ll be able to receive 17 separate orders from 1 client in such a short amount of time, I hope Fiverr won’t automatically prevent your client to do that.

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Hi, and thank you for your quick respons. 🙂 I also asked the same question to the Support Team and hope to get a positive feedback. But, I am not Level 1 yet, but if he place those 17 orders, I will be in no time and the next time, I might be able to make it a bit easier for the buyers. But, as you said, many good reviews are better than less… thanks for your input to a Fiverr newbie as me 😉

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