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Copyscape vs Grammarly Plagiarism Detector


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Sometimes I feel like its extra important to make sure I didn’t re-use any exact phrases during my research. I’ve got a subscription to grammarly, and some copyscape credits.

I’ve tried both grammarly’s plagiarism detector, as well as copyscape.

grammarly pulls up a lot of false positives, while copyscape seems to be quite accurate.

I’m curious to hear the opinions of others, on the matter.

One thing that’s great about copyscape, is that you can check two documents against each other, so if you ever borrow from content you’ve already written, copyscape can be great for making sure you don’t re-use the same language.

I don’t plagiarize, but I do like to make sure the people I write for are never going to have trouble about having identical phrases to similar content online.

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Good job of researching. When I first met you, I thought research was your specialty? But I do not see a research gig on your profile. :thinking:

Yes, I think grammarly is better for editing and revising your work, rather than checking if you copied something…it pulls up too many false positives, even for general phrases.

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Good job of researching. When I first met you, I thought research was your specialty? But I do not see a research gig on your profile. :thinking:

Good job of researching. When I first met you, I thought research was your specialty? But I do not see a research gig on your profile.

yes yes, I paused the generic research gig because I’d rather be researching blockchain\AI than random stuff… and a recent edit took my blockchain research gig out of search (I’m too busy to care ATM) do you not see the blockchain research gig on my profile anymore?

Actually after I posted this and got no response, initially, I realized I could probably answer this question with a simple google search, lol. A lot of times just asking people takes less time than google tho 😉

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Good job of researching. When I first met you, I thought research was your specialty? But I do not see a research gig on your profile.

yes yes, I paused the generic research gig because I’d rather be researching blockchain\AI than random stuff… and a recent edit took my blockchain research gig out of search (I’m too busy to care ATM) do you not see the blockchain research gig on my profile anymore?

Actually after I posted this and got no response, initially, I realized I could probably answer this question with a simple google search, lol. A lot of times just asking people takes less time than google tho 😉

do you not see the blockchain research gig on my profile anymore?

Yes, I can see it.

If you were contacted by someone to do a custom offer for research would you do that? I already told a friend/client who was looking for such a service that you once had a research gig.

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do you not see the blockchain research gig on my profile anymore?

Yes, I can see it.

If you were contacted by someone to do a custom offer for research would you do that? I already told a friend/client who was looking for such a service that you once had a research gig.

Depending on the scope of the project, my availability, and time requirements, sure.

I think I finally raised my writing prices high enough to give me room to breath for a while. Writing tends to take me a lot of time, pricing research is a lot more straightforward.

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