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Be cautious before you get scammed!


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Submitted one of my gigs via buyer request last night and this is what the last part of the message I got back this morning:

"P.S If you accept this gig - send me your (COMPLETED WORK) as your reply here and I’ll pay the gig and just send me then your photo, name, etc. I have many response to this gig and what I need is the result right away. So if you can respond with your (COMPLETED WORK), photo, name, etc"

I hear of sellers getting scammed this way constantly, NEVER do any work for a users until they have placed and order, and don’t let the allusion of competition fool you into think you need to act before you lose the sale! If a buyer wanted to work with you, they would place an order with you, plan and simple.

Also, don’t be fooled if a random user messages you asking for a fast delivery regarding a “big job” that needs to be done in 24-hours with the (empty) promise of “tipping big”, especially if they’re been very vague in their description of the work they’re desiring. I get these types of messages every few months. If they’re not already placed an express order with you it’s a pretty big sign they’re just trying to take advantage of you!

Hope this helps, and have a great rest of the week everyone! m/

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Guest wcman1976

I think this might be what is about to happen to me. someone contacted me about writing reviews on Amazon…then turned around and said they would have me post pre-written reviews first. It didn’t make any sense to me.

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I too got that message from such seller. I declined because I find it unethical reasons. I think some buyers want to get the reviews written and then they want to collect the samples, run through the spinner software and then submit. That way they can get the work done for free and they can also sue the sellers if they want to compete with them. That is what I thought and then declined.

Those who are working on promotion, formatting and other ebook related gigs should try to avoid such buyer requests.

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