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Order is not completed


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I’m new to fiverr and i’m in a trouble. i got an order then i did what the buyer asked. he left me a positive feedback too. but it is still listed under the Delivered tab. not in the completed tab. also i cannot leave a feedback to buyer! i asked buyer he said he is also new to the fiverr but he sent me a screenshot that the order is stated as completed on his account. in my order window the message " THIS ORDER WILL BE MARKED AS COMPLETED IN 3 DAYS" is displaying!
Please give me some advice!

Here is the buyer screensht,


Here is my order page looks,



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Guest offlinehelpers

It seems to be a bug:


Hello everyone one of my client said that he completed my order and gave me 5 star review but in my side nothing happened. The order is still delivered( Not completed) What should I do now?

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