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Why are all my gigs denied because of a picture?


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i would like to know how to actually get a gig approved on fiverr. i have gigs that are just like other gigs on the site. then my gig is denied because they say its not an original picture. but when i look at the gigs like mine, they have the same type of pictures.

what kind of picture can i put for a 401k review? what kind of picture can i put for writing an article or letter? a picture of my hands tying on the computer is not good enough? all my gigs are denied because of pictures. but i cant get any answers from fiverr about it.

im very frustrated - See more at: http://forum.fiverr.com/discussion/13572/all-gigs-suspend#Item_6

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I am also frustrated about this! I posted 3 gigs relating to private martial arts instruction. My pictures are of me teaching martial arts and the gig gets denied because of the picture. I really have no idea what other kind of picture I could possible post. I have asked and I get zero response.

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