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Gig Denied


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So I have a gig that has been denied because “Your gig image would need to be of a better resolution, graphic or photographic quality. Please replace your primary gig image” The gig is to do technical documentation, the graphic is a 1920x1080 jpg of documentation samples. Can’t get much better quality then that, and it’s a gig for documentation, not exactly the most exciting thing to have pictures of. First off, any idea of what they expect? Second how to I go about contacting someone to get more information? The customer service link doesn’t seem to have any options for more information about a gig being denied.


One of my gig also required modification to change image by improving resolution, but it “Required Modification” not denied. I did change image and gig was approved. When one of my gig was denied I did contact Customer service here: http://support.fiverr.com/hc/en-us I did use “My activities” section. They answer “Unfortunately, once a Gig is not approved by our content editors, it may not be reinstated.” So you will need to create new gig and worth part is that you can see old denied gig and you must create new description if you didn’t save old one.


Hi there!

Your best bet to get your image set up on your gig is providing an image exactly to the resolution they recommend. Make sure it’s in .jpg format, and sticks to the 682x459 pixel size. It also has to be 2MB or less. (I’m attaching the photo guideline image from Fiverr)

If you’re sticking to all of those guidelines and still having difficulty, it may be a situation where your image is too difficult to see when it’s shrunk down too much. Maybe take a portion of the image and just use that – provided it’s the right size.

I hope this helps!


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