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  1. lots of people clicking, has anyone messaged you to discuss ordering?
  2. Do most top rated sellers use Promoted Gigs?
  3. Very correct and useful for what I need. I have a total of 5 canceled orders. And all 5 orders were created by buyers without discussing anything with me. Why do buyers have the right to accept or reject offers, but sellers don't have the right to reject orders?
  4. I also had a bad experience before. In 2021, a female customer contacted me. She created an order for $10 without inboxing me first. After that, I said that the price she offered was too low compared to the requirements and I did not want to accept that job. She threatened me that she would leave a bad review and destroy my profile (at that time I was a level 1 seller, I did not have much experience on Fiverr so I did not know how to handle that situation). Finally, I was afraid that it would affect my profile so I tried to complete the order. I worked for 3 consecutive days to complete the order. After that, I wanted her to create another order to pay me more for my efforts. But she refused and asked me to deliver. After I delivered, about half a day later she told me that I had delivered late to her deadline with the company (although I delivered on time on the order) and she asked to cancel the order.
  5. I just reached level 2 seller, I am wondering if I should use seller plus and gigs advertising? My impressions and clicks are very low.
  6. The most important thing is that you have to sell a lot of service and have a lot of products. You should focus on the quality of your service. More importantly, Fiverr may have an algorithm to buff new sellers for a period of time. You have to make full use of this time to try to sell products and have customers. Gradually, your gigs ranking will improve if you sell a lot of products.
  7. I joined Fiverr from 2021 and paused in September 2021. I came back in August 2024 and got 3 orders last week. Why is my success score still 0? Can someone explain it to me?
  8. If you post your gig link on a forum, you might get clicks from people on the forum, but you won’t get orders from them. This could negatively impact your gig.
  9. Improve service quality to make customers feel satisfied.
  10. I have the same problem as you.
  11. I understand what you say, so the conclusion is that currently new sellers like us have no choice but to wait for luck. Because once no one contacts us, we will never have the opportunity to show the quality of our service.
  12. This is not helpful advice. Lately, I am online frequently on fiverr but my ranking is not improving, impressions and clicks are very low.
  13. "if you don't really obtain orders, or if you had a bad private review, your gig will have fewer and fewer impressions." => He had 3 successful orders, it has no impact? I am a new seller and I also had 3 successful orders last week with 5 star reviews, but now my gig impression and clicks are decreasing. Besides waiting and hoping for luck, I don't know what else to do to get customers.
  14. Bad advice, I see that this guy seems to spam the forum and give unhelpful advice.
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