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  1. It’s likely a scam since Fiverr wouldn’t send warnings through random messages. Best to ignore it and report the account to Fiverr Support to be safe. Always verify anything suspicious directly through your dashboard. Stay safe!
  2. Hi itz_tahmid_99, I encountered something similar recently. I received a suspicious message from an unknown account, and it looked like a scam because it didn’t align with any legitimate Fiverr communications or requirements. I also noticed that there were no corresponding warnings or alerts on my Fiverr dashboard. Based on my experience, it's crucial not to interact with or click on any links from suspicious messages. Always verify any unusual requests or warnings directly through Fiverr's official support channels. Fiverr will never ask for sensitive information or direct you to third-party sites via direct messages. To stay safe: Ignore any messages or links from unknown or unverified sources. Report the message to Fiverr Support immediately if it seems suspicious. Verify any official communication through your Fiverr dashboard or contact Fiverr Support directly. Keeping your account secure is important, and staying vigilant against scams is key. I hope this helps! Best, Kathryn
  3. Hello Fiverr Community, I wanted to share a recent experience I had with a scam message that I received in my inbox, hoping it can help others stay vigilant. I received a message from someone claiming to be a buyer. They sent me a blurry image and instructed me to download it, claiming it was an important file related to an order. The image looked like an invoice, but the details were unclear, and the name on the image was unfamiliar. The sender didn’t provide any context or discuss any project with me beforehand—just a simple "File, download it." Luckily, I recognized the signs of a scam and didn’t click on anything. This isn’t the first time I’ve encountered such attempts; it seems like these tactics are becoming more common. Do not click on suspicious links or download files from unknown sources. Always verify the legitimacy of the sender before interacting with any content they provide. Report any suspicious activity to Fiverr Support immediately. Stay safe out there, and let’s keep the Fiverr community informed and protected! Best, Kathryn R. Davila
  4. I’ve encountered something similar before, and I can confirm it’s a scam. Fiverr would never support or request anything like this. It’s great that you didn’t scan the QR code. I suggest reporting the message to Fiverr Support and keeping an eye on your account security. It’s unfortunate, but scammers can be persistent. I hope your experience improves soon. Stay cautious and don’t hesitate to report any suspicious activity!
  5. Hi cinestezzy, Firstly, it’s good that you didn’t scan the QR code. This definitely sounds like a phishing attempt, where someone is trying to trick you into sharing your personal information or gaining access to your account. Fiverr will never ask you to scan a QR code or provide sensitive information through messages like this. I recommend reporting the message to Fiverr’s Trust & Safety team immediately and contacting Fiverr Support for further assistance. Also, double-check your account security, just in case. Stay safe!
  6. Thank you, Kesha, for the insightful tips! I’ll definitely revisit my gig titles, descriptions, and tags to ensure they’re optimized with the right keywords. I’ll also work on my portfolio to better showcase my past work. I’ve been aiming for a competitive pricing strategy, but I’ll reassess and make sure it aligns with what potential buyers are looking for. Patience and persistence are key, so I’ll keep refining my skills and staying active in the community. Thanks again for the guidance! Best, Kathryn R. Davila
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